
Cornerstone Technologies

Cornerstone Technologies contain efforts to improve and expand our e-Science toolbox to solve problems faster and more efficiently, regardless of the area of the application.

Current projects:

  • Gridforskning (Högenergifysik)
    Period: 2010–
    PI/contact: Richard Brenner
    University: Uppsala University
  • Algoritmer och högpresterande parallella beräkningar (Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap)
    Period: 2010–
    PI/contact: Elisabeth Larsson
    University: Uppsala University
  • Databasforskning (Datalogi)
    Period: 2010–
    PI/contact: Pierre Flener
    University: Uppsala University
  • -
    Period: 2022–2024
    PI/contact: Salman Toor
    University: Uppsala University
  • Flow problems in porous media: Modelling, approximation and implementation
    Period: 2023–2025
    PI/contact: Monika Eisenmann
    University: Lund University
  • Parallel and scientific computing: theory, algorithms and software
    Period: 2010–
    PI/contact: Paolo Bientinesi
    University: Umeå University
  • Virtuell IT-infrastruktur (clouds & grids) för eVetenskap
    Period: 2010–
    PI/contact: Erik Elmroth
    University: Umeå University
  • eSSENCE-projekt 14 Multiscale Modeling of Dynamical Systems
    Period: 2023–2024
    PI/contact: Mats G. Larson, Karl Larsson
    University: Umeå University